By Dana P Skopal, PhD
Clear communication is important in business and in communities, especially when there is a crisis. We are now living in a pandemic and many would argue it is a social crisis where trust is central. People are receiving mixed messages for many reasons, but now is a time when all health and regulatory issues need to be communicated clearly.
To write or speak clearly, focus on the key message you want to convey and do not overload the message receiver. Once you have a draft message, eliminate anything that does not support it and remove any clutter such as too many details. These steps align with the principles of plain language. Think about what is the most important information that your audience needs to know and then work around that.
When messages are not clear problems can emerge. Even if the facts may be correct, if the key information is buried in a long text then that can lead to further uncertainty. We now need more leaders and scientists who can translate their expertise into effective clear communication and cut through the mixed messages. Clear accurate communication is imperative, especially now.